1. Libya

In Libya, Surbana Vision Media and Community Services, Inc. provides shelters, with plans to expand to meet additional needs with your generous support.


In Libya, Surbana Vision Media is operating a shelter that accommodates, on average, 230 people on a daily basis. The shelter is a "full-serviced" house, which means those who arrive there have access to essentials like food and toiletries. Special consideration is given to those who are vulnerable, such as single mothers, unaccompanied and separated children, and those with health conditions.

2. Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Surbana Vision Media operates two safe houses; provides vocational training; and gives advocacy and temporary emergency assistance.


Surbana Vision Media provides shelter for Eritreans in need, with plans to expand to meet increasing needs and demands for newly arriving Eritreans. The two safe houses are "full-serviced" and provide essentials such as meals, clothing, hygiene materials, medicine, and other essential items. The shelters give special consideration to Eritrean refugees and asylum-seekers with particular vulnerabilities, including children who are unaccompanied and separated from their parents, single women with children, and those living with chronic health conditions.

Vocational training

Vocational training provides skills training that can enable Eritreans find safe and better work. Currently, Surbana Vision Media provides, with its local partners, training in woodwork and metalwork for refugees and asylum-seekers.

Advocacy/temporary assistance

Surbana Vision Media advocates to various media, NGO, and inter-governmental actors to ensure refugees in the camps hosting Eritreans in Tigray have access to essential needs, and especially for safety and security during the times of conflict. Surbana Vision Media is also able to provide emergency assistance through inter-agency coordination and collaboration with local actors.

3. Sudan

In Sudan, Surbana Vision Media provides skills and livelihoods training, as well as psychosocial support for survivors of sexual violence.

Through collaboration with local agencies, we are facilitating sewing and hairstyling training. Additionally, we provide support for survivors of sexual violence including through providing limited cash assistance and psychosocial support.

4. Egypt

In Egypt, Surbana Vision Media advocates and campaigns for the release of Eritrean asylum-seekers in detention and supports survivors of trafficking with livelihoods training.

We advocate for Eritrean immigrants detained in jail without having been given the chance to file for asylum. In coordination with local agencies, we are also working to provide vocational training, including computer training and sewing, for all Eritrean refugees, including those who have survived torture and trafficking in the Sinai.